Receive Course Outline for Effective Business Writing Techniques

Download Effective Business Writing Techniques Course Outline

About the course

  1. First, you’ll learn our optimal six-step business writing process. This will teach you the structure and planning process behind efficiently providing your audience with the information they need while eliciting the business response you want.

  2. Next, the course explains each of those steps in depth applied to the documents we all write at work, combined with practice and feedback. You will complete two writing exercises to hone the skills you have learned and receive detailed, individualized instructor feedback on your actual writing.

  3. Last, the course provides guidance on how to polish language and style. Learn to eliminate bloat, emote a confident tone, and correct grammar and punctuation errors to ensure correct, professional writing every time. 
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Everyone in business should attend this training.

Tax Services

Ernst & Young

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This is a beneficial course worth taking. It polishes all of your required writing skills for all ventures in life.

Supervisor - Suspense Clearance

National Social Security Fund

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My writing is more concise as a result of the training. I’ve received strong tools, ongoing support, and knowledge.

Business Analyst