Return on Investment

What Return On Investment Can Your Company Expect?

Participants will reduce writing time by at least 25% and realize significant employee time-saving benefits.
Improving business writing is a strategic business improvement. 

For example:
Assuming 18 participants trained (1 group of 18 participants), with an average salary of $75,000 who typically write for 3 hours a day. By reducing writing time by 25%, your company will:

  • Recoup $126,563 in employee annual salary time
  • Recoup 3,888 hours annually for other work
  • The benefits are actually much deeper. This estimate only captures productivity benefits. It does not capture the additional benefit of clear writing and more accurate information.

Update the variables below to calculate your company savings.

Your Calculations:
Employees' total annual salary expenses
Salary * Number of employees trained
Percentage of employee time spent writing
Hours per day * 5 days per week / hours worked each week = percentage of time spent writing
Annual employees' writing costs
Total Salary Costs / percentage of time spent writing
Total annual employee writing hours
Number of hours writing each day * 5 days per week * 48 weeks per year * number of employees trained
Annually, Your Company Could Save:
25% reduction in annual writing time (reduction in reading time not included, so savings are higher)
Potential Annual Savings per Learner
Total savings realized / number of employees trained
Estimated Writing Hours Saved Annually
Number of hours writing each day * 5 days per week * 48 weeks per year * number of employees trained / 30%
Weekly writing savings
Total annual savings / 48 weeks = weekly savings
Note: A full ROI calculation is more complex and would include facilities, time off the job training, and other factors. However, this simple calculation demonstrates the significant savings realized by improving writing efficiency.