What is Technical Writing?

Post by Kara Latz
Originally published April 3, 2021, updated September 12, 2024
What is Technical Writing?

Are you looking to understand what technical writing is and how you can become more proficient?

Technical writing continues to be a highly coveted skill in the professional workplace. Demand is expected to grow at 10% from 2014 to 2024. This is faster than the average for all occupations.

In this article, we cover the exact definition of technical writing. We also show you an average day for a technical writer, how to improve your skills when writing complex documents, and why the field is quickly changing.

Traditional Definition of Technical Writing

What is technical writing? The traditional definition of technical writing is:

Technical writing is the practice of documenting processes, such as software manuals or instructional materials. Traditionally, it was limited to user manuals of some sort.

Frankly, this definition has become outdated. Technology moves quickly, and lexicographers are often left playing catch up.

New Definition of Technical Writing

Today, technical writing encompasses all documentation of complex technical processes. It includes reports, executive summary statements, and briefs. Any time technical information is conveyed in writing at work, it is, by definition, technical writing.

This can include high-tech manufacturing, engineering, biotech, energy, aerospace, finance, IT, and global supply chain.

The format is no longer bound to lengthy user manuals. Technical information must be distilled and presented unambiguously. This can come in the form of technical reports, emails, policy, briefs, and press releases.

The bottom line is that if you work in a technical field, you are most likely performing technical writing.

How is Technical Writing Different Than Business Writing?

The new definition starts to sound a lot like the definition of business writing.

However, a business writer focuses on business plans, case studies, e-books, and sales/marketing collateral. They are experts in strategy and business management. 

In contrast, technical writers have a strong aptitude in the fields of science, engineering, or IT. They are tasked with compiling technical documents such as instruction manuals and other instructional materials, guidebooks, technical product descriptions, and research reports.

There are quite a few differences between the two, which you can read about in this article.


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What is the Job of a Technical Writer?

The job of a technical writer will differ depending on the industry and company that they are employed with. But the important task of a technical writer is taking the highly complicated and sometimes confusing subject matter, and putting it in a digestible format.

This is of particular importance in a variety of industries but specifically science or technology such as biotech, engineering, manufacturing, software, and healthcare. 

Technical writers often work on multidisciplinary teams functioning as the mediator between the more technical staff and less technical readers. They will work closely with these teams to develop a communications strategy.

Their responsibilities can extend beyond just writing. They must understand the entire project from high-level goals to the intricacies of implementation.

Educational experience for a technical writer can vary, but the majority of professionals hold a BA in English with an emphasis in writing, journalism, communications, curriculum development, IT, software/computer, or engineering. Some also possess an MA in technical writing. 

The bottom line is that whether accumulating related knowledge or expertise through formal education or hands-on job experiences, a good technical writer must be skilled in translating technical jargon into layman’s terms. Strong communication skills and technical writing skills are crucial. 

Types of Technical Writing

Check out the summary table below highlighting the differences in types of technical writing and industries that need these documents:

Types of Technical Writing Project Requirements Major Industries in Need
  • End-User Manuals and Assistance Guides
  • Medical and Scientific Papers
  • Technical Documentation/
    Technical Reports
  • Technical Marketing Communications, like emails
  • Technical Corporate Reports
  • Feasibility Studies
  • White Papers
  • Research Results
  • Memos
  • Brevity
  • Accuracy
  • Thoroughness
  • Appearance
  • Collaboration
  • Clarity
  • Communicability
  • Teaching Element
  • Order and Logic
  • Business/Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Science & Engineering
  • Government
  • Education
  • Manufacturing
  • Insurance


At first, it may be overwhelming to see so many different types of technical documents. But each document uses a similar writing process and draws on an established set of skills. If you develop a process, you can apply it to any technical document you are creating.

technical-writing-leonardo-da-vinci-notebookPhoto Credit: British Library

Skills Needed for Technical Writing

To be a successful technical writer, there is a core set of skills that you will want to master. Here are some of the most common skills needed to be successful: 


Research is one of the first steps in technical writing. After you have an assignment, you will be responsible for collecting the data (numerical and non-numerical) and turning it into valuable information.

Research can come from a variety of places including:

  • On-Site Data
  • Online and Intranet Publications
  • Interviews
  • Libraries and Research Databases

After you have researched, you will need to synthesize and begin planning your document organization.

Audience Perception

The technical information you research and gather has to be shaped for reader interest, understanding, and perception.

Technical writers often have to communicate highly technical information to a non-technical audience. Therefore, an early step in the most effective technical writing process is analyzing your audience carefully so you can match information to their needs.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are imperative to be a successful technical writer. You will likely be working with multiple teams and individuals from differing roles.

Your ability to listen, record, and communicate will be crucial.

Technical Skills

It is imperative that you understand the technical nature of the content you are writing about.

It is difficult to convey a concept that you have not mastered clearly. Many technical writers have academic or work experience in the topic they are writing about and many technical writers have job titles of engineer, geologist, seismologist, financial analyst, or business analyst. They are employed in technical positions and have to summarize information cross-functionally to other areas of the company.

Technical writing is slightly easier if you come from the technical side and are learning to write. It is sometimes more difficult if your background is in writing and you are trying to learn the technical content.


Excellent writing skills ensure your documents are easy to read and are free of errors. Writing encompasses many of the other skills on this list.

It is important that you have the correct tone, style, and format for your document.

Often these rules are outlined by the employing organization in a style guide.


Document Design

You may be responsible for adding graphics to complement your document.

It is important that the graphics aid the reader in comprehending the information. Graphs, tables, and charts are commonplace in technical reports.

You will also need to be proficient in formatting documents. The formatting should be professional and aid the reader in navigating the document. Headings should be easy to skim, and the content should be organized logically.

A poorly designed document will make it more difficult for the reader to understand the content. Document design is a key aspect of technical writing.

Fluency with Digital Tools

Today, writers must use multiple tools during the technical writing process. This often goes beyond basic text editors. Technical writers are expected to be able to create graphics and annotate images and screen captures and extract data from Excel and convey that data in charts and tables.

User Research and Testing

Some forms of technical writing may require user research and testing. An example application where detailed research and testing would be appropriate is a written guide instructing engineers how to fix a faulty mechanism on a deep ocean oil rig.

It is important that the documentation is easy to follow, especially if the application is crucial to a major function. To accurately write the guide, the writer may first observe how engineers solve the problem. They may use recording devices or just notes to write down the research. This type of research is closely related to testing.

Testing is necessary to ensure your document functions as intended.

After the writer has completed a draft of the document, they may give it to a test group to read. They can then observe the end users following the instructions in real-time.

They may follow up with a focus group or survey to get feedback on the usefulness of the document. They will use these real-world insights as they revise the document.

Even in less complex or critical applications, it is always a good idea to have a third party read over the text. This helps combat the curse of knowledge. The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that an individual has when trying to explain something they already understand. As an expert, it is hard to put yourself in the shoes of a learner who is less experienced.

This is why having a second set of eyes look at the document can help alert you to areas that need to be improved. 


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How to Improve Your Technical Writing Skills

Here are several ways to improve your overall technical writing skills:


It is known that writers love to read. It should, therefore, come as no surprise that a “how-to” book can serve as your technical writing program to help you become a technical writer. There are all sorts of books on Amazon that show guidelines for tech writing and communication. Here are a few options:

Expert technical writers may even have one on their desk that they use as a reference. These technical documentation books can be purchased for very cheap if used.

The more expensive ones are a fraction of what an in-person or online course might cost. The downside is obvious. Reading alone does not allow you to ask questions, interact with experts, or network. Books are also not professional certification programs. 

Create a Process

Having a process keeps you from “getting stuck” while writing. Having a clear workflow will help you systematically accomplish your work. We teach a specific process for technical report writing in our technical writing course.

Seek Feedback

Getting subjective and objective feedback on your writing is one of the fastest ways to improve your skills. That is why we emphasize individual feedback in all of our courses.

To improve your writing, you need someone to review not only the grammar and syntax but also your approach and methods as a writer.

To truly master technical writing, you need to get feedback from a mentor. This may be someone in your organization or through a professional development group.

Take a Course

An online course is an excellent option to hone your technical writing skills. Online training through educational platforms allows you to complete technical documentation assignments and put your communication skills to the test. These courses should:

  • teach you effective writing practices,
  • show how to use technical language properly, 
  • provide tips on visual communication and document design, and
  • give you the chance to write technical documents. 

But how do you choose the best tech writing course? There's a wide range of options online. 

Opt for the tried and true (and not one that just focuses on grammar rules). Instructional Solutions has an expert-vetted program in technical writing and has coached hundreds in class A content through written and video material. It is well-known for its one-of-a-kind curriculum, which business professionals and university professors built. Instructional Solutions is the perfect fit for those who are independent but like some structure and guidance at times.

Students contend that the best part of the program is the individualized feedback they receive from instructors with both English academic and industry experience. You want to be part of a program, whether as an individual or group, where 100% of the students rated their instructors as “good” or “very good.”

This gives you the confidence and hands-on experience you need to apply for technical writing jobs. 


Repetition is the key to cementing your new skills. Look to incorporate new concepts into your work. You can even review old work to critique what you would do differently if you were to write the document today.

Verify that the course you take includes practice opportunities. For example, does the course require you to map the organization and sequence of a technical document? Since this is a core technical writing skill, you want to make sure you get professional feedback on your ability to do this.

Other Technical Writing Programs

When you google “technical writing programs,” you will be bombarded with tons of technical writing certifications. The advantages of this type of technical writing program are the specialized courses.

Comparison shopping is a must so you can get the best education, in the shortest span of time, and at the right cost. Here are a couple potential specialized programs:

College or University Tech Writing Program

College students can major or minor in technical writing as part of their bachelor’s degree from an accredited university. Such a program is appealing to those who are intent on writing and want to expand to the fast-growing field of technical writing. For medicine, engineering, or computer students, it is the chance to bump up their communication skills a notch and practice writing technical documents.

Here are a few universities that offer technical writing classes:

  • Dalhousie University
  • Mercer University
  • Oregon State University 

Another option is to enroll in what's referred to as an "extension program." In this case, you can receive a certificate (versus a bachelor’s degree). The ticket price for courses at a university is high, and while tuition varies, it can be upwards of $3,500.

Society for Technical Communication (STC)

STC is an alliance that was set up for professionals in 1953. As the name denotes, its focus is on the growth of both the practice and theory of technical communication. The STC boasts thousands of members worldwide and promotes an array of events and job postings. However, for a much larger pool of job postings and cutting-edge tools that showcase your portfolio, Upwork is a recommended go-to site.

The STC could be a worthwhile supplement to your tech writing program to help you become a technical writer. It does post some outlets in education, but STC’s value-add is more for networking and keeping up with trends in the technical writing industry.

In these respects, it is helpful to both professional technical writers as well as those new to the field. There are various membership levels that tout distinct benefits and range from $75 to $395 per year.

The World is a Tech Writer’s Oyster

Now that you know precisely what technical writing is, it is an easy path forward. For the curious, educated, and lover of being alone with a laptop and cup of joe, you may view the prospect of a technical writer as the perfect gig. 

The future is bright, and job opportunities are wide available. This is the ideal position for those seeking a second promising career or fresh out of school and searching for a writing position that holds great promise. This is a time of opportunity for professionals who claim techno-savvy combined with writing prowess. Check out many job openings and job titles in technical writing spanning industry segments. 

Online courses can help you become a stronger technical writer, increase your knowledge level, and hone excellent writing skills. To get up to speed ASAP, enroll in a special technical writing course tailored to aspiring and seasoned technical writers. 



Post by Kara Latz
Originally published April 3, 2021, updated September 12, 2024
As a multilingual American, Kara has a unique perspective of the English language. She is an instructor and specializes in business writing, technical content, and generalized marketing. Four years ago, backed by an Emory B.A. degree, Mercer University MBA, and a 20-year career in corporate America, Kara endeavored to engage in her true passion. She has successfully combined her business savvy and writing prowess to help companies and people bolster their company and personal brand image. Kara resides at Lake Oconee, GA with her husband, three children, and two dogs. She is an active volunteer with the local Boys and Girls Club and high school Career Coaching.

